Accessories for the 1224 Lathe
We offer a few popular optional accessories for the 1224 Lathe. These accessories vary in their function, but are all designed to
make your time at the lathe a more pleasurable experience.
24" Mini Bed Extension
There has been a lot of demand for an
extension bed for the 1224
Lathe, so we made
one. It is 24" in length, which when
attached to the lathe allows you to turn up to 48" on the 1224.
A common application for this extension is
turning chair parts.
1224 - 24" Mini Bed Extension
Part No. M0221
Remote Start / Stop
A Remote Start/Stop control is an available accessory for our complete
range of Lathes. It can be factory installed when ordering, or customer installed as an
after-market option.
This remote is especially convenient when turning outboard.
It is wired into the control box and can be attached anywhere on the lathe
using the magnet attached to the remote housing.
Part No. 2787
RFI Filter
An RFI Filter installed in the lathe will help minimize the AM
(and some television antennae reception) interference. It can be factory installed
or customer installed as an after-market item.
Download the Installation
Instructions for the RFI Filter from our Instructions
Page or click here. The instructions are in PDF
Format and require Adobe
RFI Filter Part No. 2748