MT Spurs & Chuck SpursSpurs are made from premium carbon steel - they are made to last. The points are held in the body with a set screw so the length which the point protrudes from the body can be set by the turner. These spurs are now SPRING LOADED! What this means is the point has a spring behind it so you will always achieve a positive connection with the piece you are turning. Not only that, you have complete control over the amount of tension in the spring by adjusting the screw in the bottom! The set screw in the side prevents the point from being ejected due to the tension in the spring. ONEWAY spurs have four aggressive teeth which bite into wood blanks. There are two types of Spurs: Chuck Spurs Just open the jaws, insert the Chuck Spur and you're ready to turn spindles within seconds! What sizes are available?Our chuck spurs come in two sizes - ½" and 1". The ½" Chuck Spur is great from turning spindles that are less than 1" in diameter, whereas the 1" Chuck Spur will work best for spindles of dimater of 1" or larger. The 1" Chuck Spur is a lot more robust. Both Chuck Spurs have a total length of 3 inches.