grind 'n hone JigThe NEW Grind 'n Hone Jig is an excellent component of the ONEWAY WOLVERINE line of grinding products. ONEWAY Manufacturing is pleased to announce that our Grind ‘n Hone jig has been re-designed with several
major improvements. Woodworkers can enjoy simple, accurate grinding and honing. Your chisels and plane
blades will have the sharpest, most uniform edges you’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. In mere minutes! The jig is now available in more configurations allowing greater customization to your needs. The 2 major improvements to this popular jig include self-centering jaw grips and an added engraved scale for angle repeatability. Other improvements such as a beefier arm, a wider U-bracket allowing you to sharpen wider tools, and a smoother roller system all make this jig even easier and more satisfying to use.
Package includes Part# 3738, mounting bracket Part# 3570
Package includes Part # 3865, mounting bracket Part # 3570 and instructional DVD
Package includes Part # 3738 and instructional DVD